Welcome to St. Polycarp Catholic Church.
We are a tri-language community (English, Spanish, and Vietnamese) with many wonderful and exciting activities in which you can become involved.
Please download and fill out the registration form below in your language preference. After completion, you may turn it into our parish office at your convenience so we can welcome you in person or you may drop it in the Sunday collection basket.
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office by calling us at (714) 893-2766 or emailing us at info@stpolycarp.org.
We welcome you to our parish and hope you become involved! View a weekly bulletin on this site and on the last page of it is a directory of our ministry/group contact information. Call the coordinator and express your interest as we love to have you join our family here at St. Polycarp. By donating your time, your talent, and your treasure, we can continue building our church and glorify His Holy Name, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
John 12:26