News for the weekend of 7/20 & 7/21/2024

Here are this weekend’s announcements:

  1. Raffle tickets to support our 2024 Fiesta are now available for purchase.  Each ticket is $2.00.  Our Special promotion sale this year is when you buy a booklet of 10 tickets for $20.00, you will receive five extra tickets or five extra chances to win the grand prize of $2,500.00 cash.  This promotional sale will end on August 15.  Starting August 16, a purchase of a full book of 10 tickets for $20.00 will receive one extra ticket. Buy them at the Parish Office or after any of our weekend masses.  Many groups/ministries will support the raffle sales after the weekend Masses.  
  2. If you haven’t already done so, mark your calendars for our annual Talent Show that will be hosted on Friday, August 23rd from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the school courtyard.  All ages are invited to perform in the show, and auditions will be held on Sunday, July 21st, and Sunday, July 28th after 11 a.m. Masses in the school area.  Contact our Music Director, Kara Ford, with any questions.
  3. We invite and encourage families not participating in the Pastoral Services Appeal campaign this year to join us.  The PSA pledge form is available in the foyer area in three languages – English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  Pick one, complete it, and drop it in the collection basket or at the parish office.  As always, we thank you for your support.